Visitors come to the UK for many reasons: to visit family and friends, for sightseeing, to attend a specific event or a business meeting. It is essential that while applying for a visitor visa, you provided guenon information and required documents; Lexmark Legal provides comprehensive guidelines for the applicants of the UK visitor visa. We cover all the necessary requirements and procedures that need to follow to ensure a smooth visit visa application process.

UK Visitor Visa Requirements for Nationals of Different Countries

Nationals of some countries (non-visa national countries) do not necessarily require visas to come and visit the UK. But nationals of other countries (national visa countries) do require one. Visa national countries include countries such as India, Pakistan, China and Sri Lanka. Visa specialist solicitors can guide you based on the individual circumstances of whether you need a visa or not to enter the United Kingdom. If you are looking for European Visa Specifically, then the requirements and procedure will be changed.

Key Criteria for UK Visitor Visa Applicants

Visit visa applicants must, in all cases, demonstrate that they intend to return home after they visit the UK and that they are genuine visitors. This requirement is in place to ensure that the visitor visa for entry to the United Kingdom is not utilized for purposes such as studying or working. They must also show that there will be sufficient finance and suitable accommodation for them while they are in the UK.

Types of Visit Visas 

Short-term UK Visa 

Short-term visit visas are generally issued for up to six months. These are suitable for those visitors who are planning a short-term visit to the United Kingdom. You may extend the visit visa for up to six additional months.

Long-term UK Visa

There are also long-term visitor visas, mostly issued for one year, two years, five years or ten years. Immigration authorities usually issue long-term visas to trusted travellers who have established a good immigration record. But a person with a long-term visitor visa cannot stay in the UK for more than 180 days per year.

Contact Us:

Our team of visa experts has extensive knowledge of visitor visa applications; contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our expert solicitors. Fill up the form or call us on 0208 090 2488

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