Some readers may be surprised to know that in the UK there is no legal limit on the time a migrant can spend in immigration detention.

There has for some years been a rule or policy in UK immigration law that when a foreign child who has no immigration status has lived in the UK for seven years (either having been born in the UK seven years previously or having come to the UK seven years previously), they may acquire some… Continue reading Children and the seven-year rule

As part of its project of tightening up on immigration the Government has introduced, under the Immigration Act 2014, a “right to rent” scheme, which has now come into force in England. The way that the scheme works is that private landlords must check the...

At present there are appeal application fees to the First-Tier Immigration Tribunal for certain types of appeal of £140 for an oral hearing (ie a live hearing in front of a Judge) and £80 for a decision made “on the papers” (ie with no live hearing). These...